The role of film forming additives in architectural coatings


Architectural coatings mainly use water as a dispersing medium and diluent, and its advantages are that the water of the dispersing medium is non-toxic and harmless, manufacturing and storage and transportation without the danger of explosion, no pollution to the environment, and to solve the problem of excessive VOC(volatile organic compounds) of solvent-based coatings at normal temperature.

Film forming agent is an important component material of architectural coating products, it can improve the production process, improve product performance, improve paint construction performance, reduce environmental pollution, and develop new special functions of coatings. Although the relative proportion of most auxiliaries used in coatings is not high, they often play a very key role in improving and improving the performance of coatings and coatings, so they are more and more valued by the industry.

Film forming additives, also known as coagulants and coalescing agents, are usually high boiling point solvents. The film forming agent acts as a "temporary" plasticizer to reduce the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the polymer. Once the particle deformation and film forming process is complete, the film forming agent evaporates from the film, thus restoring the Tg value of the polymer to its initial value. Under normal circumstances, most film forming additives volatilization at room temperature lag 1-2 hours than water, therefore, film forming additives should be composed of a slower volatile solvent. As a film forming agent, the biggest prerequisite is that during the drying process, the water volatilizes, and the film forming agent remains in the coating, and it volatilizes from the coating. Latex commonly used in coatings has a lower glass transition temperature (Tg). Such as VAE emulsions at about 3 ° C, therefore, in most temperatures above 5 ° C conditions. These emulsions can form film normally, and the addition of film forming additives plays a certain role in accelerating the drying of the film.

In addition to contributing to the film forming performance, the film forming agent also has the function of reducing the freezing temperature of the coating. For example, ethylene glycol and propylene glycol can be used as antifreeze agents for coatings. In addition, the film forming additives have certain effects on the wet film properties of coatings, such as leveling, anti-hanging and color development.

Sinograce Chemical is a manufacturer of film forming additives and various water-based acrylic building resins, welcome to inquire.

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